Internationally recognized expert in the field of innovation management


Read Robert Cooper’s best-selling book on innovation management,
Winning at New Products, now in its 5th and totally new edition.

Winning at New Products - Best-selling book on innovation management


For more than three decades, Winning at New Products has served as the bible for product developers everywhere. Robert G. Cooper reveals the critical success drivers—those factors that make all the difference between winning and losing at new products. The author showcases best practices in product innovation, based on his extensive and widely-published research, to present a game plan or system for driving new products to market—namely his Stage-Gate® system; and he goes on to show how a world class Stage-Gate® system really should work. He then reveals best practices, stage-by stage, idea to launch, starting with the best ways to generate new project ideas. Winning also means the ability to pick the right project for development, namely “portfolio management”, and so Cooper shows the best and proven methods for idea and project selection.

This current 5th edition is more than a simple updating of the 4th edition—there is much that is new in it. Cooper emphasizes speed, more specifically agility, flexibility and acceleration and adaptability. Agile development methods have gained a solid foothold in the software development world, with positive results. In this new edition, Cooper shows how to employ Agile methods within Stage-Gate for physical or manufactured new products to yield the fast-paced Agile-Stage-Gate® system. There’s also a totally new chapter on developing a product innovation strategy for your business—so necessary to give direction to your new-product effort and to focus your business on strategic arenas that will be your next engines of growth. This fully updated and expanded edition is an essential resource for product developers around the world.

Testimonials for the latest edition of Winning at New Products:

This is a ‘must read’ for anyone involved in the management of product innovation and Stage-Gate®. There’s so much new in this book, from how to generate the breakthrough ideas, picking the winners, and driving them to market successfully.
- Philip Kotler, Professor of International Marketing. Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management